Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tonight’s History Lesson

Rose- “Mom, has there ever been a black president?”

Me- “No, honey, the next election year….”

Byrd -“Na huh, Mom, Abraham Lincoln.”

Me- “He wasn’t black.”

Byrd – “Well, he was tan.”

Rose –“Well, duh that’s because he went to the tanning salon.”


  1. That is cute! Modern technology has taken over our "youth", in heir lifetime, there has been tanning salons - so why not back in the 1860's! Do your think they would believe me if I told them that e-mail use to go by horseback during the days of the Pony Express - you know that is where they got the name for e-mail (express mail. I can see that I am going to have to conduct some summer "history" classes at the HITWRA this year.

  2. Abe WAS ahead of his days in color, no? Maybe a reverse-jackson psychosis plagued this man to tanning. He had no idea the man-made UV rays were so harmful to the skin.

  3. I think it is the teaching tools...old photo's have the sepia (orange color)tone. That explains the for the black? I was in an elementary school this last week and they were learning about Presidents Day; they were using silhouettes of the presidents to teach...that explains the black...or maybe it is because he helped free the slaves???
