Sunday, March 11, 2007

You wanna to throw down?

Your right I forgot the motto “Be Prepared” I should have been better prepared by reminding my closing volunteers about taking down booth sale signs. And I will remind my girls that Minimal Impact does not just apply to the outdoors. I am as thankful to you, as the leaders that I have taken signs down for, were to me. Again thanks for being such a great Girl Scout by helping us out, and doing it so nicely.

A Careful Soul

By Ley Cash - San Gorgonio Girl Scout Council

A careful soul I have to be,

A little Girl Scout follows me.

To a narrow path I must stay,

For if I don't, she too, will stray.

I must choose my deeds with care.

For all I do, she too, will dare.

My words I guard and softly speak

And I must love the strong and the weak.

Oh, I must be fair, from the start.

And boldly lead with a steady heart.

In all I say and all I do.

I promise to strive to be true.

Because you know ...

Where're I go ...

A careful soul I have to be.

A little Girl Scout follows me!

1 comment:

  1. That is a neat poem, says a lot and not only applies to the Girl Scouts. Delete "Girl or Scout" and insert child. From past discussions, perhaps that is what is lacking in our schools and society in general. There are limited leaders for the youth to follow. The "leaders by example" are limited this day and age.
