Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Popester recommended a book, I am just now finishing it up, its The Callahan Chronicles by Spider Robinson, it is the first book in a series of three, it is a collection of short stories about a bar called Callahan’s. The stories were first published in a science fiction magazine Analog and Vertex, and then put together for interesting read. There were a few stories that really made me look at science fiction a little differently, if only a place like existed. I would put this book on my recommendation list.

On riddle night at Calahans the riddle master comes up with riddles, for every riddle you guess right he has to buy you a drink, for every wrong you buy, if you guess the topic it is worth two drinks or something like that. I couldn’t get one…I thought I would try it out on you… Example: penis; truck = Peter; lorry = Peter Lore

Here’s a few…

  1. profligate; cheat
  2. fish; Jamaican or Scottish male, caviar
  3. Certainly; Irish street
  4. handtruck; forgiveness


  1. Wow, your clues makes a person have to think - I refuse to think, I am not known for thinking, I refuse to be a thinker. Could you give me an easier one?

  2. Valette's got #4... here's a hint,dad...

    #2 the fish is Marlin.

  3. I just figured out how Valette got Dolly Parton!
