Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Looking at the calendar tonight

…I found that June 24th is a special holiday. It’s St John the Baptist Day. We always celebrate on this special day with a feast, cake, and beer. The funny thing is... we never had a clue that St. John the Baptist had a "Day".


  1. Isn't that a coincidence, first we find out he married the great granddaughter (13th time removed)of Sir John Harrington, inventor of the flush toilet and namesake of John the Plumma. Now we discover he is also associated with John the Baptist by having a birthday on the same day that we celebrate Feast of Saint John the Baptist. You may also be interested in knowing that is also the birthday of Donna Harrington Hayes Harrignton, the Bra Hostess. I am really shocked that you did not realize that John the Baptist had a special day, I thought everyone knew that! Have you not read Matthew 3? I beleive that it is in Matthew where John baptized Jesus. That is why they call it Saint Jean Baptiste Day. I know how honored John must feel, I felt very honored to share a birthday with the Pope, the Great John Paul. I could do a entire blog article on famous people by the name of John,yet I got stuck with Ralph!

  2. Dad ….You have occasionally called my hubby John the Baptist ….. Did you know all along that they shared the June 24? Did anyone realize that?

  3. Yes I knew that the two John's shared June 24th, that is why I refer to him as John the Baptist. It is not just a coincidence that John's family have been members of the Baptist Church in Homer for the past forty to fifty years. All things have a reason if you look at the past, not at the present or future.

  4. Hi Heidi! Just popping by and wanted to send you a hug. You are one busy mama!

  5. Well well one more thing for john to be famous for...all the attention getting to you big guy..sister are you sure this year that his birthday is June 24??? You seem to get this confused quite yearly!!!!
