Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I know some of you may not read Dooce on a regular basis....but you have to check out this one. What is our world coming to?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. AND, we want our children tolearn toread, leaving no child behind!

  3. In 1988 when I became pregnant I heard from many "adults" these phrases...
    1. she will amount to nothing.
    2. If her parents had only...
    3. It's the music the kids listen too.
    4. the poor kid does not stand a chance.

    These comments were not said in voices that I was not meant to hear...they were every where I turned and they set a pattern for my life that began to unfold....I had to prove them wrong...and they was not my parents "fault" the music I listened too was not to blame (my sibblings say I am old fashion) As for the kid not having a chance...well we did pretty good and we did not need any of those "books". That is obsurd....they cant advertise codems or Safe Sex...they are to preach abstinance...but they can publish books like that...the covers alone would cause 100 questions that parents wont want to answer...So now is the in for my view on kids and sex...I wont bore you here with it but you can find it at....

  4. ooops wrong kid...try 1986 heheh time flies when your having fun

  5. "Tinker" Belle Heedi cheats in Hyperbole Trivia!

  6. No way did I cheat.....last night when I posted ...I went off Shana's comment. When I went to bed later on...the answer came in my dreams. It was the horse on the cab of the truck...then I remembered your story.

    So this morning that is where I first went that post. I was hoping you hadn't answered it yet... And you didn' I submitted my answer. Then I read your current post.
    Now I look like a cheater...:( I haven’t signed into your account in ages....I win...I am not a cheater!!

  7. Heidi got caught trying to lie her way out of cheating, the posting time on "The Pony Ride" was earlier than it the time it was actually posted. The timing is set at when you start to compose your blog, not when it is actually posted. The positing did not occurr until 2:30 this morning, I have it from a good source that Heidi was in bed at that time - one who cheats then lies to attempt cover their tracks is a double cheater - now the world knows!

  8. A new child's book is coming out on the market in the Anchorage area, the title will be "My Name Is Tinker, I Am A Cheater", the book is based onthe philosphy of AA and at the start of each chapter you hacve to stand up and introduce yourself, "Hi, My Name is "Tinker" and I Cheat in Trivia"

  9. Not to stray from the subject, but, what the @!#?! was this post about? OH YEAH! Dooce. Interesting writer. FUNNY post!

  10. Dooce, Erica, is a great blogger, the Queen Blogger...but still no match for Valette. You can find thier links on my site.
    Dooces post....teh one i want you to linked in my "one"...its in italics...its a link another web page.

  11. Do you alway beleive what you read on the internet?

  12. I needed an idea for my next photoshop assignment.

    Thanks Heidi!
