Monday, April 17, 2006


So our neighbor Bob did not appreciate JD’s humor…. JD wrote “!EM KNAPS” (well, his letters were backwards) with window marker, on the bug guard of his Ford Explorer. JD was hoping someone Bob knew would notice and harass him or spank him, but Bob’s blind date noticed it first. It would have made a great conversation starter but…Bob got mad and fumed during the whole date. OOPS!

Parent teacher conferences this week….. I am sending JD!!

I get to spend the whole week doing Girl Scouts (to even a greater extent)…tonight Tay’s troop, tomorrow night leader appreciation dessert (that the leaders throw for themselves, sad isn’t it?), Wednesday is Byrds troop meeting that Tays troop is leading, Thursday night Roses troop is going roller skating, and this Friday a night a hotel….not relaxing with my hubby…. but with more Girl Scouts…

We have been meeting with a new physical terrorist, three times a week. It is her job to get the swelling out of Tay’s knee. Tater had been using the electrical muscle stimulator, shock treatments, and ultra sound. The PT …really, she isn’t so bad …yet. Today she gave me a new a new outlook on Tay….and raising girls….

“She’s always in a mood; it is just knowing which one.”

they call me Hiney cause I have a big butt.

I leave my ‘puter for one minute and look what Homer Baxtard did. He gave me a big butt… Boys!


  1. Sounds as if you continue to lead a busy liefstyle, doesn't give you much time for bon bon's. Is your girl scout activities over when school is out or does it end earlier? I was glad to see that you finally updated your posting, you are starting to move up on the list!

  2. Plumbers have a shitty sense of humor. harhar

    Being a good Girl Scout never ends:o)
