Sunday, June 10, 2007

End Campment

Encampment has come to an end, Byrd came home last night with her troop and Rose showed up at 9:30 this morning (I guess the leaders we anxious to get home). All of the girls had a blast and want to go back, even the cranky ones that refuse to have fun the whole time. Another succesful GS event and many fun memories.


  1. Glad everybody had fun. Must have been at the state fairgrounds with 1200 happy campers.

  2. Someday I am going camping! Can I borrow the Wolf Den? Does your GS Manual tell you what wild animals enjoy eating? If so, check it out and find out what animal eats paper towels? The only thing that has been disturbed at the HITW, two rolls of paper towels, ripped open and each partially eaten? I think some little creature is going to have a very comfortable den, just hope it does not discover all the booze!

  3. I also forgot, I think whatever the creature is, it must also be a "Plumma", the new sink is missing also! Did the "new" kitchen sink happen to end up in the Plumma's van by mistake? I checked the horese trailer camper -though he might have installed it but no sign of it!

  4. My paper towels are gone? Is my dutch oven and Gummy bears going okay? I have been having nightmare about leaving them behind.
