Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So when did the Army start recruiting Infantry through AK Labor Exchange? When they are paying a whopping $169.80- $0.00 a month, I bet they get a lot of applications.


  1. I would have liked to visit this site, however, after linking up I discover I have to sign in, one more name, one more password - I will just remain unemployed! Although, I am considering the job opportunity in Wamsutter, WY Now, if i just had any employable skills!

  2. I will go fix that link...right now!!

  3. Well it should work now...but you may have to disable cookies.

  4. Dutch and I disable cookies by the dozen - just the other night we sat around and watched FOX News and before we knew it, we had munched our way through a new package of cookies - so we know how to disable cookies.
