Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wanted $20,000

As I dropped off Tay at school today…. We followed two marked police cars into the parking lot. They were joining four other officers (two unmarked police cars and two marked cars) six officers total….not something I want to see…now I need $20,000 for a private catholic school. Yeah I’ll be catholic if it means I don’t have to see cops at a middle school.


  1. Welcome to Junior High School in LA! Wait until high school starts, then you will want to home school! Likely, it was nothing serious, just a "show of force" to show the gangs, drug dealers, and armed students that there is police presence. Enjoy reading today!

  2. Why catholic, there is a private school off Bragaw, Im not sure how much though, or what about home school. I agree seeing a bunch of cops at a middle school worries me also, good luck...what a world we live in!!!!

  3. Maybe they were late for a "confiscation party" and had the wrong place.
