Saturday, November 03, 2007

What a warm Halloween, I never remember Trick-or Treating with mud on the ground. Along with the warm weather came a little extra evening daylight, due to the new federal law. I am not sure why Alaska participates, I would rather have extra daylight in the evening when I can enjoy it. Why do we switch? Just leave me on summer hours!

I was realizing, that this may be our last traditional Trick-or-Treating Halloween. This year Rose went out with her friends, Tay wanted to stay home and eat our candy, and Byrd was excited to take the babies out. The costumes aren't cute or scary anymore, unless you count how scary it is that my girls are looking a little too old and watch to much top model.

No photo of Tay... due to the fact she was not dressed for the occasion and refused to be photographed.

We found it living under Shana's stairs.

This the the crew from Jojo's Circus...the dog is supposed to be a Tater???

Spider webs are bad for Byrd's.

WE had company for dinner, last night. This was Rosey's pumpkin' ...hers was not the only one that ended up dinner.The only survivor was Tay's...
I guess anarchy is something moose aren't into.


  1. Oh man, all my kids trick-or treated. We saw kids much older out also. some were wearing practically nothing, no coats and still out. It was not that warm out here either. How funny the moose loved your pumpkins.

  2. I am moving my pumpkins...I want a moose tooo....that jojo kid is kinda, goliath the lion looks ferocious...and that tater...he is adorable if I say so myself.

    oh ya...dont make me go alone next year!!!!!

  3. Don't know how long it took to make those moose costumes but they were great, they looked so real and who would have ever guessed kids would raw pumpkin!

  4. Awww they were all cute even the moose...I MISS YOU!

  5. Did someone "Trick" your site? A very long lead in t the start of the posting and now the comment section has been darkened, I thinketh I smelleth a Plumma!

  6. I am not sure what you are seeing?

  7. Hey its all screwy when you look at it in Internet explorer...jeesh how long has it looked this way?
