Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I can't believe time has flown by so fast. What has happened all week, the house was quiet without Byrd...we had two great BBQ's one for Riley's Birthday, the other just for the tequila! I have been working on a video for Josh, Crissy, and Riley. It's going slow because I have no music appropriate for a two year old party that won't drive an adult nuts! I picked Byrd up from camp and Tay and I fly out tonight...not much else is happening.


  1. Have a safe flight out, don't let Taylor terrorize anyone. I think you said you would be back the same day - quick flight. Take care. Hope to see all soon.

  2. We are home...22 hours and 3100 miles...pheew!

  3. yeah! your back!

    cute video, I think I can make out the wolf pup. big orange t-shirt?

  4. Yup....the big orange T-shirt. We are so fashion conscience.
