Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Field trip we tested the water quality of Chester Creek. This portion of the creek is a portion that the city straitened, so it is more of a cannel. I am not sure why they straitened it beside the fact that it runs along the back side of Prevos church/school. The water level today was a little high and we noticed a log jam (cut trees) at the culvert running under Baxter Road. Walking up steam with 3nd graders with higher IQ then most adults I know (Byrds gifted/IGNITE classmates) it was noted that the straightening of the stream was bad for the fish that there was no cut banks or pools for any fish to just hang out in, let alone the invertebrates the fish call food. It was also noted that the trees were sparse on the south side of the stream, just a few select trees separated Prevos back parking lot and the creek, also not good for any life forms in the stream. Remember these are 3rd graders.

As we climb down closer to the creek we found 6 to 8 inches of leaves covering the entire southern bank. In some slower areas of the creak that leaves made false banks, the leaves were that thick. It was interesting not getting wet in this situation. As we finished testing the oxygen level, current speed, temperature, Ph, and organism sample collecting, we climbed back up the bank, as we all reached the top a 3rd graded noted that in a few select places small drainage ditchs ran from the parking lot to the stream and that the grass was clear of leaves and manicured. It appears as if Prevos grounds crews decided not to bag their leaves…I wonder …is that good for the creek…will it help with bank erosion…the city will have to clean it up eventually as it continues to dam up the culverts…

one year ago at Bloggled Thoughts

…and today
The War In Iraq Costs


Instead, we could have insured


children for one year.


Shopping and errands….thanks Donny for the company…I think I did this once with your mom.


Tay had a band test today due by midnight tonight. It was supposed to be done last weekend. No one did it last weekend and so the teacher gave them an extension. Tay has computer software that analyzes her saxophone skills and then assigns a grade to her skills. She then emails the results to the teacher. The teacher just made the saxophone section switch to #3 reeds, which I guess are more difficult to play. Tay is having a little trouble using this new reed and could not get the computer give her a good enough grade. As I was discussing this situation with her and found that last weekend she had tried to fake the system out. She downloaded the practice demo song and played it back to the testing software…she received a zero (the computer knew she cheated) and she did not email the results in. I know what you are all thinking that I promised Tay I would not blog about her any more. But this time I am allowed to talk to you, I even told her I was going to do it…because she cheated….she “hummed” the test song and doubled her previous saxophone score…and emailed the results. I was impress that the voice lessons helped in some way. But now I guess I better so some research on this issue… the ways kids cheat have come a long way since I was a kid. She promised the sax would come home more often and that see will ace her next test.

We went shopping today…a much needed break from chores…we had to barrow Shanas rig to get there…everyone got something new but me… Mom thanks Butch and Sissy played with the gift you sent….JD has found a new way to feed us al winter. So if I loose weight talk to him.


Rose mowed up the leaves and earned ten bucks. Byrd and Tay fought all day. I cleaned Poop. Butch and Sissy played with Lou Lou. Heath scrubbed the back of the house sparkling white again. JD swapped tires and patched the roof . So with the chores done we ate dinner and went to the Baxter’s for drinks …

or Mary Janes?


got a new pet…

just watch your kids closely…

oh yeah....Ask Shana what she did Sunday.


  1. MY MISSING FINGER! Or, is that the last bird flipped at Shana?

  2. Thanks for the update, seems you are ready for snow to fly...I wonder what that candy tastes like. Looks like alot of halloween fun going on in the big city!I hope to come in on thursday and see it all, coffee morning, then I need to go help Tab move so she can go out for Chrystals party, wanna come? have a beautiful oheagqa day

  3. Enjoyed your new posting, now that I am back into the work force (temporarily, I assure you)my blogging time has been cut down. What a great idea about walking the little creek with the girls, sounds as if they are more intelligent pertaining to human encroachment on waterways than most adults. Their assessments were correct. I would give Taylor an "A" for her imagination in how to cheat the electronic system - I wonder how many people have not tried to cheat on a school quiz. I use to have an elaborate systemof crib notes, although my grades never relfected the effort that I put forth. What did Shana do on Sunday? On Sundfay, your mother and I assisted in the rescue of, two boaters in Cook Inlet, Gale Warnings Posted, Highest tides in five years, 4-5 foot breakers on the beach, white caps covering Cook Inlet - but they still went halibut fishing in a 14 foot rubber boat! Ask Shana, I think yourmotehr gavbe her the details. Heidi, Heidi, Heidi, must you? If you must then have a good vtsgdhyc day - the WV is longer than the commenbts!

  4. What did I do on Sunday??

  5. I used to cheat by writing all the answers to a test on tiny piecews of paper, then, stick them up my nose! It was still tough to pick the right answer.

  6. Shana was hung over all day Sunday!!
