Wednesday, September 20, 2006

…I do believe

Butch falls off a chair, hit the floor screaming like someone had ripped off his arm. His mom jumps up to assess the injuries. Seeing no blood, scratches, or bruising she asks “What did you hit?” Sissy yells “THE FLOOR…MOM!”

Heath came home with a question, one if his ranger buddy’s asked of to him….Why are Marines always on Navy Ships?

I have worked on getting my workouts in. Started with just walking the kids to school and this weeks goal is to work out every other day.

We have been fitting a nasty bug in the house. As each kid goes through it so do I.

Another attempt to quit smoking…starting today!

The fight for the internet and phone has been on going. Leonardo is being stalked!!

Oh yeah I am not allowed to talk about Tays boobs, boy situations, or Junior High encounters any more!! But I did learn a very important Junior High rule…under no circumstances am I allowed to approach her if she is talking with friends.

AWANAS started last night. Sissy is excited about going and about becoming a Spark. Byrd is happy she is no longer a Spark and is excited about earning her new T-Shirt. Rose lead the first Bible Verse Practice last night and Butch seems to want to get involved. I think he is just in it for the Derby Car Race. Tay contributed nicely by changing the AWANA songs into morbid songs about brain washing kids. ACK!!!

My Uncle Bill’s got a blog…for the longest time my husband has been hearing stories about Uncle Bill. Amazing stories…stories of life that seem well…like my father (Bills Brother) made them up. The stories varied from Uncle Bills mysterious disappearing, too his romantic encounters in truck stop bathrooms, too his research trips to rodeos looking for a long lost brother. It didn’t help matters much when Bill was supposed to be in town we never saw him and his trips were always called short. JD would hear stories from my nephew Butch about how Uncle Bill was driving trucks in Iraq for the Salvation Army. It was little things that led to his doubt.

I never really believed my husbands disbelieve in Uncle Bill, until one night…. JD came home from work and I had a black lab… JD told me that we weren’t keeping it and my boyfriend was going to need another dog sitter. I told him that Uncle Bill was driving trucks from Alaska to Seattle and we were going to dog sit, while Uncle Bill did his ride along, and that we were really just watching it….the only thing he said was “I don’t believe in Uncle Bill and the dog has a week.” A week went by and lucky for me JD was home when Uncle Bill came to get his dog…the rest of the evening JD would simply state over and over ... “…I do believe in Uncle Bill.”


  1. wow learning how to pratttle...

  2. Loved Heather's remarks, a great come back! As for my son's question about Marines aboard Navy ships. Having ridden several ships with most of them carrying Marines, the fact is that the Marines are part of the Department of the Navy. The logical reason that Marines are onboard naval vessels is because it is against regulations to have sheep onboard a naval vessel! That is humor, I don't care who you are! But let me point out that I have the deepest respect for our Marine Corps, they are the elite fighting force in the world.

  3. This is mom, by the way. As for Uncle Bill, he's thinking he may come north next May with a horse trailer and 2 horses. ONe for himself and one for - ???. Maybe a few of my granddaughters!! I told him NO way!! yOU know who would have to feed it and clean up after it and I donot like horses, especialy! Give all my grandkids a big hug and I LOVE YOU from Granma!! Miss you all, desperately!!

  4. I am tracking behind her, on the last site she visited, she logged in is me and it was me because it was her! I never heard nothing about horses coming north - I think it is a great idea - he just called the otehr night and was hauling three thousand horses and did not have one pile of poop to clean up in his truck - they were sawhorses! Since you open the subject up on your site about Bill stories, I have this great one that was only shared between brothers the last time, Don, Bill and I were together. Someday, I may tell the whole story on my site, unless the monetary payment from Bill is high enough to keep me quiet. Did you know that when he was younger, he was traing to become a Navy SEAL? jmweviv to you to!

  5. I DO believe in Bill!! And - I like green eggs and ham!('cause they're cooked in beer)

  6. Speaking of Taylor, don't you remember, I could not talk to you if your friends were around, I think that is why I do not remember you going to high school! Now Shana, she was the one that really took it to a new altitude. Don't even look at her if she had a friend around her. In Jr. High School, she would forget to take her lunch to school everyday, each afternoon, I would get a call, "Daddy, I forgot my lunch, will you bring it to me" and I did. One particular day, I got the call and decided it was time to teach her some responsibility. I dug through the storage room and found a little metal Cinderella Lunch bucket that she had in grade school. I transferred her sack lunch into the lunch box and headed for the school. Arriving, I had her paged to come to the office. Not knowing it was me that was waiting, she arrived with her entire group of giggly jr high school girls, I presented her with the little lunch box, she turned beet red, her girlfreinds started laughing and it was the last time I was called to bring a lunch to school. The good news is that you are just on the brink, you have two in the wings waiting to take their turns - I love it!!!!!!!!!

  7. Mom... Hey hi thought you weren't around anymore, it's been so long since you have shown up.
    I am also arfaid of i think Shana, Dana, or Erica can deal with that and we will just come and ride it.

    Dad...I couldn't help but laugh at Heathers comments....everyone thought i was laughing at Butch.

    I can't beleive you got that punch it experience or have you heard it befor?

    Shana...the Prattle is in the blood...some of us just know how to control it.

    I can't tell you all how many times a week he makes us eat Green Eggs and Ham!!

  8. Missed you guys!

    Every family should have an Uncle Bill.

  9. And what is wrong with Prattling? To answer some antidotal questions - yes, I had heard the joke about Marines aboaerd naval vessles - about 32 years ago! Some jokes are timeless! I finally got the low down on the "horses to alaska", I was told that I had known about it - perhaps but it came as a surprise. I would caution everyone not to get to excited and one never knows what may come out of a horse trailer until the tailgate is opened. It could be a rtxwgst. Second thing I learned today, Bills son, your cousin Matt and wife Amber, two chilren (five and three)will be moving to Alaska in February and the likelihood is that they will be stationed at Ft. Richardson - so you may want to plan a "Welcome to Alaska" welcome wagon. Also, in other cell phone news, Bill's Daughter, your cousin Leah has just been hired into a postition as a Professor in the Chemistry DEpartment at the University of Oklahoma. Now that I have stolen all of Bill's log notes, I will bid you farewell and rtxwgst!!
