Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Bronze

Byrd received her Girl Scout Bronze Award tonight. It takes a lot of work just to be able to start the Bronze Project, then to complete it, it takes 15 hours of community service. Most girls/troops it takes 3 years, to get there, our troop 1.5! The troop decided to help animals, so they built scratching posts for cats. Then donated them to a second hand store that gives the proceeds to the local animal shelters.


  1. The cool thing about this whole online deal is that you learn things about people you thought you knew a little bit about. Going to high school with you, I would have never guessed that in 18 years you would be so gung ho about girl scouts.

    Congrats to your daughter and to you as a parent.

  2. Right back at you Preacher Man! Funny thing is 18 years ago I never thought I would even be a parent. 18 years ago, did you see yourself where you are at?

  3. Go Troop #35!!! Thanks for sharing this photo!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations to all, especially for mothers who remain dedicated, set examples, and teach our youngsters that there is nothing wrong in community service. Job well done in all respects.

  5. Yes and no Heidi. Did I think I would be in Colorado? No. Did I think I would be in ministry? I had inklings....thoughts that I could do what my minister was doing and enjoy it...but in some ways I tried to distance myself from that too.

    I guess what surprises me is that I thought I would have kids by 35, perhaps more than one. But at this point, it looks like we will probably not have any.
