Monday, October 20, 2008

Where has Governor Palin gone?

I am a Palin fan! I am, or was. When Governor Murkowski picked his daughter to replace his senate seat, I understood. When Governor Murkowski bought that jet against our vote, he pissed me off. I was an instant Palin fan, later, she chose to stand up to her party and run for Governor. I found she was a real home town kind of gal. A lifelong small town Alaskan, middle class, union, commercial fishermen, four kids; I could relate to her, she must have many of my same concerns. Education, working for a living, managing while exploring our natural resources, and cutting the fat out of government. When she put Murkowski’s Jet on EBAY, she won my heart, what a “Main Street” thing to do.

Even with the new investigations targeting her, I still maintain, I am still able to relate to her. I would use my power to get a bad cop out of a position of power, any law enforcer that will tazer a child, has some issues making approperate desions. When it comes down to the firing of Walt, this is not the first time Walt Montigain has been removed from public office. He was appointed by Mayor Wuerch as Chief of Police herein Anchorage, the Mayor explained that he "wanted to take a little risk." Montigain’s choices were always being questioned during this time, “lack of communication” being a huge issue. Crime in Anchorage went up, the gang population grew. When Mark Begich asked him to step down in 2006, it was said that Walt was going to retire anyway, and that it was a mutual choice, but that is not the way the press laid it out at the time.

The rumors floating around about our Governor leave a bad taste in my mouth. These rumors coming from Wasilla, why are these people just now speaking up? If these things are a hundred percent the whole story, the book banning, the firing of staff for personal reasons, why didn’t they step up speak their voice when we put her into a position of power here; in Alaska, where it affects us on a more personal level? I have to believe it has to do with the national attention; these issues blew up to be bigger issues. There is usually a little truth to some of the rumors that float amongst the people of small towns, but over time only the juiciest of details are remembered. Book banning, it been an issue for hundreds of years, it would never have happened, it isn’t an issue that’s high on my prioiry list right now. Some things I can agree to disagree with her on.

Here’s my “Deal-Doe”, the way she went from “Baracouda” to “Caribou-Barbie” for the McCain campaign, she has suddenly become a politician in my eyes, someone out of reach, another big wig listening to the advisors before the people. It is understandable, I would also be afraid to call my buddies at the local radio show, in fear the “Elite Libreral News” would pick it up and twist every innocent giggle or slur of speech, but that is why I voted for her, she was real, unscripted.

When running in a campaign that the whole world is watching, I can understand dodging the paparazzi, but if you speak publicly, shouldn’t you make sure you practice what you preach? That what you are saying is the whole truth. So many people had a heyday with Bristol’s situation, Governor Palin asked that her family be kept out of it, and it is now old news, but now the McCain/Palin campaign has been getting a lot of attention from families with "special needs children" and the McCain/Palin campaign is using it. Personally it offends me, she has asked the media to leave her family out of it, yet she is willing to use Trig? It bugs me she is willing to advocate for Trig publicly, but not for Bristol. Trig’s situation has probably widened her views on disabilities; did/does Bristol's situation widen her views on sex education? Just wondering , It appears that "Special Needs" is a noble calling, while teen pregnancy, affecting more American, is an embarrassment?

I see these families flock to see Trig. It offends me that there is no coverage on what the “Special Needs” issues are, just that the families are showing up to rallies just to get a glimpse of Trig. I haven’t heard them talk about what those needs are or what they should do to implement them. Governor Palin has had 6 months experience as a mother with a disabled child, which alone does not make her an advocate. During her time in office, as Governor, she has signed legislation that would increase financing for children in Alaska with special needs, but was not part of the development. She promises to be strong advocate. Advocating WHAT? Maybe we disagree, like we do on sex education, the banning of books, or abortion. What about disabilities in general, our "special needs kids" are going to turn into special needs adults.

Talking to many parents, throughout my years of weaving our way through the system, many military, Alaska is one of the better states for financial and medical support for physically impaired and medically dependent children. Alaska is continuing to work hard on getting some of the issues surrounding behavioral disabilities recognized, addressed, and funded. There are a few advocates to thank, but I haven’t heard that Sarah is one of them.

From a parents, a ASD surrogate parents, and a teachers assistants view, what I have seen is under qualified, poorly trained teacher assistants, implementing a child’s specialized learning plan, under the mangament of a underpaid overworked Special Education Team, who is really so busy doing paperwork, leading meetings, looking for liabilities, and managing TA’s to really see if those goals are being met. The recourse for a parent or care giver when the system breaks down, a round table battle, where everyone agrees the system sucks? Let’s get the teachers back in the classrooms and let’s train the support staff handle the paperwork. We need improvements in the Special Education System; our “Special” kids need more one on one with a qualified, up to date, educator.

The govoner has chosen to advoate for me and my family, now I want to know what our govenor plans on advocating, if I elect her campain partner into the White House, what is she going to do?

How are you going to improve the Special Education Program?

How are you going to support these kids into adulthood after Special Education?

What are going to do to stop the “Use it or Lose it” grant abuse that is happening in our State?

Does your advocating, also include all adults with disabilities, or just Veterans?

Can you make a difference in the way Social Security is being handled, so I know my family can fall back on that system if need be? That it will still be there after the baby boomers, and that people dependant on SSI won’t lose or abuse benefits?

Can you do something to increase the job market for people with mental impairments, without taking jobs away from the students and the under-educated?

Does your health care plan do something to insure my disabled daughter will still have health coverage after collage? That her employer’s health coverage cannot reject her medical needs due to pre-existing conditions?

Governor Palin, you brought disabilities into limelight, now tell us what are you are going to do!


  1. Well written and much food for thought! The one advantage that we have in Alaska is that we are a small state, our politics are local, even tho we might know the candidate personally, we are still a small community unlikethe remaining 49 states that the political machine is large and the candidates get loss. The playing field is so much larger in the lower forty eight and the national politics on an even larger scale. You make some very good points on treating of handicaps. Although, I am an advocate for assistnace to veterans in all aspects, however, even then they should not be put on the fast track ahead of those others that share handicaps or need assistance. But even then, our Veterans Administration could use a good shake up and overhaul. I spent a few days in a VA hospital, it was only when I asked to have my clothes back so I could leave or I was going to walk out bare a_ _ _ _. Since the 1970's they have not improved.

  2. Good Post! As the mother of a special needs child as well as a child that died after being diagnosed with a special need..I really think Palin is just using her child's diagnosis to gain support. She has not seen anything yet related to what is to come re: his disability. She and her husband make over 200k/year! They will have NO issues within their family. I dont think Sarah is ready to serve in the capacity she is running. I really think there is not much she will do..there are to many other issues taht will be seen as "bigger". I get what you are saying about the school system. I live the TA issue daily as a school nurse. Just my opinion..but I think Palin is a lot of talk just like all the rest. We will see soon enough though I guess. ONe thing I think is that if Mcain/Palin lose..I am not sure if Palin will be serving another term in office. I voted for her also..but I have to wonder if a lot of her popularity was that she follwed Barfkouski.

  3. I down deep inside believe Sarah will deliver. Her readiness is unquestionable. Our founding fathers favored govenors for President in that they have experience in running a government.
    Alaska is the wealthiest state in the nation and well run. I am excited with Gov. Palin and she has struck a chord with conservatives around our country. Colorado, esp Western Colorado loves her. The things she says, the way she communicates resonates in our hearts and in our souls.

  4. I am really impressed with how well you have written this. It could be published professionally or something.
