Friday, October 17, 2008

What's new?

I know, I have been slow to write, or comment, but I am still alive. I have been keeping myself busy around the house, avoiding going out and spending money. My property taxes have gone up ($100 bucks a month), my heating (33%), and soon the amount we pay into Social Security. While here on main street I am cutting back trying to get out of debt, I am funding more government (China's mostly from what I hear) and more big business. My life outside of the house consists of Costco, the Schools, and the gas station, while CEO's of failing companies are taking spa retreats! I guess I should feel lucky gas prices are dropping, but that won't make up for the loss in the 401K or our next Permanent Fund Check.

I have been keeping up with the elections, the debates are leaving me more confused. The last debate was disappointing, they both acted like children, twisting words, rolling their eyes, spewing the same ol' stuff. Maybe debates are a thing of the past, really its turning into a venue for negative campaigning. I would like to see each candidate with TV time dedicated solely to them, to present me with their resume's, detailed plans, with flow charts, facts, and resources. None of that catty back and forth, straight facts! When they mention Joe the Plumber, I want to see his future tax return, under the candidates plan. I want to see how they plan to fix our global reputation, I want to see a detailed budget regarding that 7 billion dollars! In politics, promises and words are transparent.

I agree with Obama on a few things, but strongly believe he cannot fund all that he promising, he talks pretty, like a used car salesmen. It bugs me that he has been running for president his whole political career. To me that is a personal goal, not one that the people have asked of you. I like the fact that Economics is what he does, I like that he thinks we can have it all, but we must be realistic. Under Obamas lead we will all be dependent on the government to much, I am tired of Americans making stupid choices and expecting the government to bail them out.

McCain, I think will be a great leader, I believe, he is the one for the office, especially when it comes to our global issues. I have noticed more and more that he jumps to quickly, Joe the Plumber and his choice in VP, have hurt him, maybe that's the maverick in him, but its hurting his campaign and it scares me. I support our Governor, she has shaken up Alaskan politics, she has taken on the big boys, and she is willing to listen to the people. She is good for Alaska, in ALASKA! She is just not ready to play the big game with the big boys, she needs a few more years to prove herself. I am embarrassed for her, she needs to pull up her big girl panties and quit hiding from the media or the media is going to continue to rip her apart. I am wondering if McCain would be seening the same issues if he had chosen another running mate.

Like, most Americans, I need to continue reminding myself this race is between McCain and Obama, about the ISSUES! I am afraid of who America is going to pick, this isn't Americas Got Talent....

... it is not all about making history, the first "black" president, the first female VP, a chance for Alaska to get noticed. Its about the issues? About the most qualified candidate?

... It not about the stupid things that Saturday Night Live, Jay Leno, all of the day time talk shows come up with. The entertainment industry is very one sided. Americans need to be more proactive and question what the media is saying.

I want to hear about the issues! I want to know more about, how the candidate is going to get us out of this finical crisis? What are they going to do first, health care, the war, the recession? What are their priorities?


  1. Very well written with a great deal of thought and qustions. You and I are sharing the same thoughts, I have always been a supporter of Senator McCain, between the two he is the best choice, although I do disagree with him on several issues. There is no doubt that Senator Obama has the potential, but not at this time. With our economics in shambles and fighting a war on two major fronts, it is not time for liberal tax and spend type candidate. He has made pledges of so much money, even he admits that he cannot deliever and some will have to be held in abeyance. The bottom line, President Reagan assumed office with a national debt similar to the exisiting debt, interest rates were at 21%! Today, by shopping around you can get an interest rate of 6% or less. Reagan nomics proved that more tax revenues is generated when you lower taxes. This is the same case that we have been under for the past 8 years under President Bush, temporary tax cuts is the reason that we have a robust economy over the past seven and half years, only now is it failing because ofthe poor lending practices of banks. Senator obama has made the promise that he will owere the teaxes on 95% of the populaiton, those earning less than $250,000. However, what is not said is that the temporary tax cuts that we have had for the past eight years under President Bush will expire after the election. The Democrat led Congress will not extend these cuts, therefore each one of us can expect a tax hike and at a minimum go back to the percentage level that we had eight years ago. Tax those that make over $250,000 - sound good but this includes alot of small business owners that are going to have to pay higher taxes. These same businesses as well as the large businesses are going to have to pass this "cost of doing business" onto the consumer, those 95% of us that are not going to have to pay taxes. My grand pappy taught me somehting many yearsw ago back onthe farm, it it looks like B.S., smells like B.S., chances are it is going to be B.S. The other thing that concerens me, with the downturn of the economy, have you noticed that by listening to the debates and their stump speeches - nothing is mentioned about the War on Terrorism. In the last debate, the moderator did not ask a single question about the iraq or Afganistan. The focus was on economics (which is good) and on social programs so everyone is taken care of by the government. More government is not the answer, we are into the economic crisis right now paretly because of government. A piece of good news, is that the current economics will not affect your PFD this next year, you will seea big dip the follwoing year and the year after that. Good news, this morning we took our cars in for tire change over, gas prices in A.P. were $4.30 a gallon, picked the cars up two hours later and the gas price was $3.90 IU can afford to go to LA on Monday now!:)

  2. Just no5ticed this little pop up ad on Yahoo. The poor lending practices got us intothe economic trouble that we are presently in, primarily in the housing market. The ad I saw reads: "mortgage rates dropped to 5.47% No Social Security Account Number needed. Lending Tree" Despite all that has happened, there are those that are still marketing to the illegal aliens. The system works, Lending Tree makes the laon and later sells the mortage to a bank - the bank is on the hook for a loan they cannot collect on and the government bails them out.

  3. ...wish you were a bank?....

  4. Agreed - very well written post. Could not get thru' the first comment, as it is verbose and the post used up my reading attention span for the week.

  5. Trust us "John the Plumma", we are all acutely aware of your attention span! By the way, "Joe The Plumma" is getting all of the national press coverage, why arn't you out front on this issue in the LA area?
