Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It seems as if it were yesterday...


  1. First day of school, some in high school others just starting out on their school years, despite the moans and groans, it is always a special time except for mom and dad's.

  2. The loft window you framed in was perfect, slipped right in and set nicely, sure hope I have in right and not upside down or inside out! The metal strip created a little problem since it was installed at the bottom of the window, but the old saw took care of that and you will never know where it is at until you take the window out.

  3. It was clarified that the drip lips were installed backwards - right?

  4. I sure am glad that loft window fit. The Lower 24x24 window, the bathroom window, will not fit so tight and may need a few wedges to level it out.

    and YES!! the drip lip should have be turned over! Opposite of how I was told to install them.
